Mike Flanagan - Legendary Basketball Coach & Educator - Ep. 34
I know first hand the kind of impact Mike Flanagan has had on his students. Although I did not have him as a teacher, I saw the energy he brought to the classroom. You could feel it throughout the entire school. I also saw the time and effort he put into coaching me and my teammates in middle school football. I've been following Mike's coaching career for years. He's had tremendous success and certainly made an impact on the Black Hawk Girl's Basketball program. Tune in to this episode of Wisco Legacy to hear about Mike's journey.
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Basketball fans, don’t miss this episode! Mike Flanagan drops by Wisco Legacy this week! We talk about: 🏀 his success as the Girls Basketball Coach at Black Hawk. Fun fact, he didn’t play basketball in high school! ✅ his upbringing in southwest Wisconsin 📚 his career as an educator 📚his new role as Darlington Elementary/Middle School Principal 💯Pursuing Your Dreams If you like this podcast, please like, subscribe, rate and review the podcast wherever you listen!